
I am proud to partner with brands across the health & wellness industry that are in line with my mission: promoting the martial arts, elevating women in grappling, and developing a lifestyle of growth; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The following brands have supported me as member of the grappling community and I can wholeheartedly advocate for the products & services they provide.

Interested in becoming a partner? Fill out my contact form to start a convo.

Partner - Tap Cancer Out

Tap Cancer Out

Shop the Tap Cancer Out store and use code AMB_KATIE_FRIENDS for 10% off!

Alchemize Fightwear

Shop the female-owned grappling gear & apparel brand.

Yoga for BJJ

Sign up for Yoga for BJJ online at just $10/month!

Muscles and Donuts

Fitness apparel for food-lovers. ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ Use code MESSYKATIE for 10% off the Muscles and Donuts shop!

Slate Milk

Chocolate milk for grown-ups: Slate Milk is your new post-workout friend with 17g protein. Stock up with 10% off using code MESSYKATIE10OFF


Hydrate ๐Ÿ’ง with HydroJug super-sized water jugs.