
Mental Health, Motivation, Training

REPOST from the Girls in Gis Blog: The Power of Self-Talk

I believe that especially as women, we speak down to ourselves because we are conditioned not to be boastful or take pride in our accomplishments. Using qualifying statements like, ‘I’m not sure’ when answering a question, or ‘I might be able to do that’ when taking on a task. We want to give ourselves a cushion in case we fail–but doing so ultimately ensures that we do fail.

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Mental Health, Motivation, Training

Unlocking the Therapeutic Benefits of Jiu Jitsu

While grappling has had a significant impact on my emotional well-being; it has not always been to my advantage. In fact, at several points in my jiu jitsu journey I have contemplated quitting altogether because it became a source of frustration, anxiety, and self-doubt. Over the past year I have been able to reevaluate my relationship with the sport with the deliberate intention of addressing my mindset. Looking inward, I discovered that I was relying on jiu jitsu to automatically heal me. The reality is that I learned I could use jiu jitsu as a tool in my arsenal to cope with emotional challenges.

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Motivation, Training

Are You Competing Against Your Own Teammates?

A skill my coach has been trying to reinforce in me is not to look at him when he is coaching me. As soon as I turn my head to see if my coach is going to reassure me, my attention is pulled away from the roll. For obvious reasons, this can’t be happening when I’m competing. But why am I so eager to look around the room when I am at practice?

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Mental Health, Motivation, Training

Having It All (but Not All at Once)

I feel as a woman there is a unique kind of pressure to strive for this carefully-curated lifestyle–you know the type. The ‘influencer’ life. The mother who not only gets her kids to school on time, but packs them adorably-arranged homemade lunches each day. The artist with a studio full of projects waiting to be sold for clamoring fans. The athlete who collects gold medals while wearing those perfectly-matching sweat-wicking outfits and a ponytail that magically stays in place.

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